e hënë, 17 dhjetor 2007

How to Start a Faux Painting or Mural Business: A Guide to Making Money in the Decorative Arts

How to Start a Faux Painting or Mural Business: A Guide to Making Money in the Decorative Arts
Allworth Press | ISBN: 1581153090 | 208 pages | October 1, 2003 | PDF | 2 Mb

The complete how-to guide for turning faux, mural, and decorative painting skills into a viable, home-based career! Covering everything from the fundamentals of buying supplies to coping with the growing pains of a successful business, this essential sourcebook provides a wealth of tested tips and techniques on such crucial topics as getting referrals, buying insurance, building a portfolio, dealing with supply stores, evaluating job sites, negotiating prices, interviewing clients, and much more!

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Naked Vegas 5

Naked Vegas 5
Course Technology PTR; 1 edition | ISBN: 1592003664 | 392 pages | June 4, 2004 | CHM | 12 Mb

Naked ? Unveiled, exposed, uncovered. That?s exactly the approach taken with Naked Vegas 5. You won?t be confused with extra fluff or useless information. Instead, this unique guide provides you with basic yet in-depth material that encourages you to explore all that Vegas 5 has to offer. As you complete the creative projects that are inside, you?ll learn the skills behind Vegas, discovering how to apply smart production principles to your video projects. You won?t simply gloss over ideas?you?ll learn the ?how? and ?why? behind each skill, mastering them on both a technical and artistic level. The result is a one-of-a-kind guide that is designed to teach you how to use Vegas 5 to work more creatively and efficiently.

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Wireless Mesh Networks

Wireless Mesh Networks
AUERBACH; 1 edition | ISBN: 0849329604 | 144 pages | June 23, 2005 | PDF | 6 Mb

Wireless mesh networking is a new technology that has the potential to revolutionize how we access the Internet and communicate with co-workers and friends. Wireless Mesh Networks examines the concept and explores its advantages over existing technologies. This book explores existing and future applications, and examines how some of the networking protocols operate. The text offers a detailed analysis of the significant problems affecting wireless mesh networking, including network scale issues, security, and radio frequency interference, and suggests actual and potential solutions for each problem. Although the book's primary focus is the potential use of wireless mesh networks in the commercial marketplace, it enables readers to gain an appreciation for use of the technology in the office, at government agencies, on campus, and in the home.

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Langenscheidt Kommunikationstrainer Business Englisch: Verhandlungen

Langenscheidt Kommunikationstrainer Business Englisch: Verhandlungen
German | MP3 | 58 MB | 81 Min | (2007) - MP3 Hörbuch | ISBN: 9783468215063 | DeNica Fairman

Maßgeschneidertes Audio-Sprachtraining für Verkaufs-, Vertrags- und Preisverhandlungen. Erweiterung der Kommunikationsfähigkeit beim Umgang mit Einwänden und Zwischenfragen sowie der Verhandlungs- und Fragetechnik. Langenscheidt Kommunikationstrainer Business English - Die neuen Fitmacher für den Job: Auf das Wesentliche konzentriert, werden die wichtigsten Gesprächssituationen, Wendungen und Satzbeispiele trainiert. -

Mit authentischen Dialogszenen und vertiefenden Kommunikationsübungen
- ideal für Selbstlerner mit Vorkenntnissen und zum Auffrischen
- Ausdruckfähigkeit, Hörverständnis und Aussprache werden verbessert
- britisches und amerikanisches Englisch

Marquetry (Getty Trust Publications: J. Paul Getty Museum)

Marquetry (Getty Trust Publications: J. Paul Getty Museum)
Pierre Ramond. Marquetry - Taunton Press, 1989 | ISBN 0892366850 | PDF | 218 pages | 53,2 MB


Beaded Favors - Designs for Needlecases and Treasure Bags

Jennie Might, "Beaded Favors - Designs for Needlecases and Treasure Bags"
Black Giraffe Designs | 50 pages | ISBN: 0966585313 | JPG | 5 MB


Color Atlas of Strabismus Surgery: Strategies and Techniques

Color Atlas of Strabismus Surgery: Strategies and Techniques (US $199)
Stationary Office | Pages: 233 | 2007-04-03 | ISBN: 0387332499 | 12 MB

2.7% of children in the US are born with or develop strabismus (crossed eyes) in the early years of life. (The incidence rates are similar in much of the developed world.) While the condition only rarely leads to blindness, it can have long-term impacts on ocular health. Left untreated, one eye will eventually become dominant over the other, heightening the concern over injury or illness in the "good" eye. Strabismus can be treated therapeutically with eye patches, but the success rate isnt optimal. More often, surgical correction is the path chosen not only for cosmetic/social reasons but also because it is more medically effective.



Crocheting for Dummies

Crocheting for Dummies By Karen Manthey, Susan Brittain
For Dummies | 360 pages | ISBN :076454151X | DJVU | 34MB


Traditional Beading Techniques for the Modern-Day Beadworker

Native American Beadwork: Traditional Beading Techniques for the Modern-Day Beadworker By Georg J. Barth
R. Schneider | 219 pages | ISBN: 0936984120 | PDF | 23MB


Omiyage: Handmade Gifts from Fabric in the Japanese Tradition

Omiyage: Handmade Gifts from Fabric in the Japanese Tradition By Kumiko Sudo
McGraw-Hill | 160 pages | ISBN: 0809229099 | JPG | 20 MB


Pancreas - Pathological Practice and Research

Pancreas - Pathological Practice and Research (US $180)
Stationary Office | Pages: 318 | 2007-02-23 | ISBN: 3805582404 | 13 MB

The pancreas lies deep in the body. It is a calm, silent organ located behind the stomach, with much hope and possibilities for solving the physiological and pathological problems of its behavior. Because the pancreas is a complicated organ, it is important in an anatomical and embryological sense, and because of its frequent age related lesions. It develops from two buds fused into a single organ with a ductal system, close to the biliary tract and duodenum.

Both mucous-cell hyperplasia, which corresponds to PanIN-1, and cystic dilatation of the branch pancreatic duct, relevant to branch-duct-type intraductal papillary-mucinous tumors, frequently occur in elderly persons, resulting in the modification of the tissue surrounding it, i.e. atrophy. Moreover, pathological changes in the pancreas are focal or patchy in nature (i.e. normal tissue is found adjacent to the affected foci), especially in non-tumorous lesions, but not homogeneous and diffuse in the case in the liver.



The Cytokine Handbook, Fourth Edition, Two Volume Set

The Cytokine Handbook, Fourth Edition, Two Volume Set (US $220)
Stationary Office | Pages: 1536 | 2003-07-07 | ISBN: 0126896631 | 13 MB

The fourth edition of The Cytokine Handbook provides an encyclopedic coverage of the molecules that induce and regulate immune responses. Now expanded to two volumes, co-edited by Michael T Lotze, and written by over 120 international experts, the scope of the book has been broadened to include a major emphasis on the clinical applications of cytokines. The early chapters discuss individual cytokines, chemokines and receptors. Additional chapters discuss the clinical implications and applications of cytokines, including cytokine gene transfer, antisense therapy and assay systems. This book is essential for researchers and clinicians interested in cytokines, including anyone working in cancer biology, transplantation, infectious diseases, autoimmunity or bioinformatics.

Key Features
* Covers all main cytokines and chemokines
* Written by experts
* Up-to-date- includes detailed referencing accessing current, modern literature and reflects the newest findings from the human genome
* The new edition has been thoroughly revised and extended (now 2 volumes) as compared to the last edition, including new co-editor (MTL), new authors, new hot topics and new chapters
* Includes major emphasis on clinical applications
* Extensively illustrated with tables and figures



Renewable Energy Technology, Economics and Environment

Martin Kaltschmitt , Wolfgang Streicher, Andreas Wiese, "Renewable Energy Technology, Economics and Environment"
Springer; 1 edition (September 10, 2007) | ISBN:3540709479 | 564 pages | PDF | 8,7 Mb

Renewable Energy: Technology, Economics and Environment

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Batch Control Systems: Design, Application, and Implementation

William M. Hawkins , Thomas G. Fisher, " Batch Control Systems: Design, Application, and Implementation"
ISA-Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society; 2nd edition (June 1, 2006) | ISBN:1556179677 | 320 pages | PDF | 3 Mb

This revision of the 1990 work by Thomas Fisher covers an introduction to batch processes; batch control system structures; batch control; batch communications and batch control system design. Hawkins offers a comprehensive analysis of the development and evolution of batch control from the original NAMUR model through the most current publications in the 88 series. Through examples, commentary, analogies and at times wry humor the author provides an in-depth philosophical discussion of how batch control and all manufacturing enterprises have been impacted by the work of 88. Hawkins in-depth coverage and practical insights make this book an indispensable tool for designers, control engineers, project engineers, and managers who desire to achieve the full cost and production benefits of implementing the 88 series.

A Dictionary of Science

John Daintith, "A Dictionary of Science"
Oxford University Press, USA; 5 edition (September 16, 2005) | ISBN:0192806416 | 896 pages | PDF | 8,2 Mb

This best-selling dictionary contains over 9,000 entries on all aspects of science. It provides comprehensive coverage of biology (including human biology), chemistry, physics, the earth sciences, and astronomy. The entries are supported by over 200 clear diagrams and illustrations, and fully cross-referenced for ease of use. Other features include short biographies of leading scientists, full page illustrated features on subjects such as the Solar System and Genetically Modified Organisms, and chronologies of specific scientific subjects including plastics, electronics, and cell biology. Both concise and wide-ranging, this dictionary is an ideal handy reference work for students, and a great introduction for non-scientists.

Basic Math for Process Control

Bob Connell, " Basic Math for Process Control"
Instrumentation Systems and Automation Societ (October 2002) | ISBN:1556178131 | 176 pages | PDF | 5,5 Mb

A practical tutorial on the mathematics essential to the process control field, written by an experienced process control engineer for practicing engineers and students. A quick-and-easy review of the mathematics common to the field, including chapters on frequency response analysis, transfer functions and block diagrams, and the Z-N approximation. A handy desk reference for process control engineers - a helpful aid to students in mathematics courses.

Life Cycle Reliability Engineering

Guangbin Yang, " Life Cycle Reliability Engineering "
Wiley (February 2, 2007) | ISBN:0471715298 | 544 pages | PDF | 3,6 Mb

In today's global, competitive business environment, reliability professionals are continually challenged to improve reliability, shorten design cycles, reduce costs, and increase customer satisfaction. Life Cycle Reliability Engineering details practical, effective, and up-to-date techniques to assure reliability throughout the product life cycle, from planning and designing through testing and warranting performance. These techniques allow ongoing quality initiatives, including those based on Six Sigma and the Taguchi methods, to yield maximized output. Complete with real-world examples, case studies, and exercises, this resource covers:
* Reliability definition, metrics, and product life distributions (exponential, Weibull, normal, lognormal, and more)
* Methodologies, tools, and practical applications of system reliability modeling and allocation
* Robust reliability design techniques
* Potential failure mode avoidance, including Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)
* Accelerated life test methods, models, plans, and data analysis techniques
* Degradation testing and data analysis methods, covering both destructive and nondestructive inspections
* Practical methodologies for reliability verification and screening
* Warranty policies, data analysis, field failure monitoring, and warranty cost reduction

All reliability techniques described are immediately applicable to product planning, designing, testing, stress screening, and warranty analysis. This book is a must-have resource for engineers and others responsible for reliability and quality and for graduate students in quality and reliability engineering courses.

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Coatings Materials and Surface Coatings

Arthur A. Tracton, "Coatings Materials and Surface Coatings"
CRC (November 7, 2006) | ISBN:1420044044 | 528 pages | PDF | 18,6 Mb

Drawing from the third edition of The Coatings Technology Handbook, this text provides a detailed analysis of the raw materials used in the coatings, adhesives, paints, and inks industries. Coatings Materials and Surface Coatings contains chapters covering the latest polymers, carbon resins, and high-temperature materials used for coatings, adhesives, and varnishes today. Featuring new and updated chapters, this text provides an in-depth examination of raw materials categorized into four types: resins, solvents, pigments, and additives. Concise chapters describe the development, chemical and physical properties, synthesis and polymerization, commercial uses, and other characteristics for each raw material and coating. In addition, the book demonstrates how application methods, environmental factors, and chemical interactions affect each surface coating's performance. Other unique topics include biocides, fluorocarbon resins, vegetable- and protein-based coatings and adhesives, gravure inks, and artists' paints. A comprehensive, yet practical source of reference, Coatings Materials and Surface Coatings provides an excellent foundation for comparing the properties and performance of coatings and choosing suitable materials based on specific service needs and environmental factors.

Lust in der Liebe

"Werner Eberwein" Lust in der Liebe. CD . Eine erotische Entdeckungsreise
German | MP3 | 58 MB | 51:30 |September 2006) - MP3 Hörbuch | ISBN:9783466457977 | Werner Eberwein

Lust und Liebe leben, pure Sinnlichkeit genießen: Die neue CD des renommierten Hypnose- und Körperpsychotherapeuten Werner Eberwein widmet sich der »schönsten Nebensache der Welt«, mit der sich viele jedoch längst nicht so gut fühlen, wie er/sie es sich vielleicht (heimlich) wünschen. Mit dieser Trance wird alles leichter: Lust in der Liebe geht auf verborgene Bedürfnisse und versteckte Ängste ein, weckt Leidenschaft und Hingabe und wir erfahren, dass Erotik nicht nur auf Sex beschränkt ist, sondern ein ganzes Lebensgefühl umfasst. Eine sinnliche Entdeckungsreise für Singles und Paare.

Coatings Technology Fundamentals, Testing, and Processing Techniques

Arthur A. Tracton, "Coatings Technology Fundamentals, Testing, and Processing Techniques"
CRC (November 7, 2006) | ISBN:1420044060 | 408 pages | PDF | 18,6 Mb

Drawn from the third edition of The Coatings Technology Handbook, this book focuses entirely on testing, experimental design, and strategies for selecting processing techniques in the coatings, adhesives, paints, and inks industries. Coatings Technology: Fundamentals, Testing, and Processing Techniques contains the latest coating and processing methods capable of satisfying increasingly precise, application-specific requirements. The book contains analytical techniques used to elucidate surface chemistry, adhesion, and other physical properties. It also presents practical methods, such as accelerated light stability tests, to compare the resistance of different materials to wear, UV light/fading, and weathering. Subsequent chapters explore the most suitable techniques and the equipment for applying materials to different substrates, depending on material properties, service needs, and substrate types. Considering metal and nonmetal coatings and substrates, the book highlights the most recent advances on ink-jet printing, electrodeposition, vapor/chemical deposition technologies, high-speed dispersion, and other cutting-edge methods. Coatings Technology: Fundamentals, Testing, and Processing Techniques provides the the necessary information for scientists and engineers to perform testing and determine what materials and processing technique is most suitable for their own applications.

Calculus Without Limits Almost

John C. Sparks, "Calculus Without Limits Almost"
AuthorHouse; 3rd Updated edition (June 21, 2004) | ISBN:1418441244 | 392 pages | PDF | 1,5 Mb

John C. Sparks is a senior staff engineer at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio with approximately thirty-one years of engineering and management experience. In addition to his Air Force career, Sparks has taught mathematics at Sinclair Community College for over twenty years. In late 2003, Sparks received the Ohio Association of Two-Year Colleges' 2002-2003 Adjunct Teacher of the Year award. He and his wife, Carolyn (photo), have celebrated thirty-five years of marriage and have two sons, Robert and Curtis, who are both married. Sparks is a lifelong resident of Xenia, Ohio. Sparks has written and published three volumes of poetry, Rhyme for All Seasons, Mixed Images, and Gold, Hay and Stubble: One Journeyman's Poetic Diary. Calculus without Limits is his first full-length mathematics work; and, with its publication, a thirty-year old dream is realized.

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The 3G IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS): Merging the Internet and the Cellular Worlds

Gonzalo Camarillo (Author), Miguel-Angel García-Martín , "The 3G IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS):
Merging the Internet and the Cellular Worlds"

Wiley; Second edition (February 10, 2006) | ISBN:0470018186 | 456 pages | PDF | 4,7 Mb

"If you need to know the IMS vision you need to read this book....

The IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) is the exciting new technology that will merge the Internet with the cellular world. It will make Internet technologies such as the web, email, instant messaging, presence, and videoconferencing available nearly everywhere.

The 3G IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) provides a thorough overview of the IMS and its technologies. Throughout, the authors first describe how each technology works on the Internet and then explain how the same technology is adapted to work in the IMS, enabling readers to take advantage of any current and future Internet service.

Presents an introduction to the IMS - its goals, history, vision, the organizations involved in its standardization and architecture
Discusses the signalling plane of the IMS including protocols, such as SIP and Diameter, used between the IMS architectural entities. Also describes how the IETF developed these protocols and how they are used in the IMS architecture
Describes the media plane of the IMS and discusses Internet protocols that are not currently used in the IMS but may be in the future
Provides SIP-based service examples such as presence, instant messaging and Push-to-Talk

Engineers, programmers, business managers, marketing representatives, and technically aware users will all find this book invaluable as it will help them to understand how the IMS works and the business model behind it. "


Basic and Advanced Regulatory Control: System Design and Application

Harold L. Wade, "Basic and Advanced Regulatory Control: System Design and Application"
ISA-The Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society; 2 edition (May 24, 2004) | ISBN:1556178735 | 372 pages | PDF | 17,9 Mb

This newly revised best-seller teaches the practice of process control for the wet process industries. It stresses the study of real, imperfect processes rather than system theory and gives guidance on how engineers can best apply their own experience, intuition, and knowledge of the particular process. The text summarizes the general characteristics of processes and control loops and discusses feedback control and its nuances. The latter part of the book addresses advanced control techniques. New topics covered in the book include tuning feedback control loops, multiplicative feedforward control, other control techniques (e.g., split-range control, cross-limiting control, floating control, techniques for increasing effective valve rangeability, and time proportioning control), and more. The reader will learn the bottom-line benefits of these advanced strategies. Examples from the commercial world are given. Suitable for beginning or experienced process control engineers.

Contributions To Fourier Analysis

A. Zygmund, "Contributions To Fourier Analysis"
Zygmund Press (March 15, 2007) | ISBN:1406760439 | 200 pages | PDF | 6,4 Mb

In the theory of convergence and summability whether for ordinary Fourier series or other expansions emphasis is placed on the phenomenon of localization whenever such occurs, and in the present paper a certain aspect of this phenomenon will be studied for the problem of best approximation as well.

Glycochemistry: Principles: Synthesis, and Applications

Glycochemistry: Principles: Synthesis, and Applications
Publisher:CRC | 2001-06-15 | ISBN:0824705386 | Pages:696 | PDF | 7 MB

Book Description:

US, Canadian, and Chinese chemists summarize recent research into the synthesis, principles, and applications of carbohydrates for graduate students and researchers in carbohydrate chemistry, biochemistry, medicinal chemistry, and glycobiology. The topics include solid phase oligosaccharide synthesis, the chemical synthesis of bioactive steroidal saponins, the chemistry and biology of multi-valent saccharide displays, structures and mechanisms of action of aminoglycoside antibiotics, synthesizing glycosaminoglycans, glycosyltransferases in oligosaccharide synthesis, and metabolic substrate engineering as a tool for glycobiology Glycochemistry: Principles, Synthesis, and Applications presents methods used in the development of carbohydrate-based therapeutics. It highlights applications in chemical and enzymatic synthesis of complex carbohydrates, carbohydrate function, and carbohydrate-mediated biological recognition processes. There are practical examples on the development of carbohydrate-based pharmaceuticals and polymers for commercial use. The text also emphasizes the role of carbohydrates as key elements in modern molecular recognition processes.



Strategic IT Management:Increase value, control performance, reduce costs

Dirk Buchta , Marcus Eul, Helmut Schulte-Croonenberg, "Strategic IT Management:
Increase value, control performance, reduce costs"

Gabler (April 1, 2007) | ISBN:3834905577 | 219 pages | PDF | 1,2 Mb

"Growth, mergers, restructuring, innovation - all these important topics of today's companies cannot be implemented without a systematic approach to IT management. This book does not point out unrealistic 'one size fits all' solutions but offers basic systems to solve a broad range of IT problems and challenges. It also presents case examples for successfully implemented solutions- mostly in big companies as they ask for specific IT management."


V pour Vendetta (Comics)

V pour Vendetta (Comics)
Scans | French | 81.1 MB

V pour Vendetta (V for Vendetta) est une série de bande dessinée réalisée de 1989 à 1990. Le scénario est signé Alan Moore et les dessins David Lloyd (ainsi que Tony Weare qui a illustré une partie des chapitres Valérie, Vacances et Vincent). La traduction en français à été assurée par Jacques Collin.

Ce n'est pas qu'une bande dessinée, il s'agit d'une fiction pamphlétaire à propos d'une idéologie et des sociétés actuelles qui l'utilisent.

Dans les années 1980, une guerre mondiale éclate ; l'Europe, l'Afrique et les États-Unis d'Amérique sont réduits en cendres par des armes nucléaires. La Grande Bretagne est épargnée par les bombardements mais pas par le chaos et les inondations issues des dérèglements climatiques. Dans cette société anglaise post-apocalyptique, un parti fasciste, Norsefire, prend en main le pouvoir et tente de rétablir le pays après avoir procédé à une épuration ethnique, politique et sociale sans pitié.

En 1997, au moment où le parti semble avoir la situation sous contrôle, un anarchiste commence une campagne pour ébranler tous les symboles du pouvoir. Cet anarchiste qui se fait appeler "V" porte un masque représentant le visage de Guy Fawkes, le plus célèbre membre de la Conspiration des poudres. Lors de sa première action d'éclat (le dynamitage des Chambres du Parlement), V sauve Evey, une jeune fille de 16 ans qui risquait d'être violée puis exécutée pour prostitution.

An Introduction To Mathematics - With Applications To Science And Agriculture

Isaiah Leslie Miller, "An Introduction To Mathematics - With Applications To Science And Agriculture"
Mellon Press (March 15, 2007) | ISBN:140671819X | 312 pages | PDF | 8,8 Mb

AN INTRODUCTION TO MATHEMATICS With Applications to Science and Agriculture BY ISATAII LESLIE MILLER Professor of Mathematics, South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts F. S. CROFTS CO. NEW YORK ----MCMXXX COPYRIGHT, 1930, BY F. S. CROITS Co., INC. MANUFACTURED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY BRAUNWORTH CO., INC., BROOKLYN, NEW YORK PREFACE AFTER some fourteen years of teaching in American colleges and universities the author finds that the average high school graduate has not developed in himself a mathematical type of reasoning. lie therefore hopes that this treatment may in some measure accomplish this purpose. The first few chapters are devoted to a thorough review of high school algebra, for the author is convinced that most college freshmen need considerable drill on the fundamental processes of algebra before attempting a very extensive study of mathematics. In preparing this book the author has kept in mind two types of students first, those who will never take additional work in mathematics, and second, those who will continue the work in science or agriculture for advanced degrees and will doubtless desire to pursue additional courses in mathematics. He has therefore attempted to write a book basic in the fundamental principles of mathematics and at the same time has endeavored to make practical applications to the fields of science and agri culture, wherever possible. He feels that a thorough knowledge of the material covered in this work will enable the second type of student to successfully pursue a course in analytical geometry followed by a course in the calculus. The author gratefully acknowledges his indebtedness to his colleagues, Professor Win. Asker for preparing the chapter on statistics, and Mr. H. B. MacDougal for checking much of the material, to Professor I. W. Smith of the North Dakota Agri cultural College for using the material in mimeographed form and offering many valuable suggestions, to Dean D. A. Roth VI PREFACE rock of Indiana University for reading most of the manuscript and to Professor Wm. Marshall of Purdue University for encouraging him in the work. The author also desires to thank Professor E. S. Crawley of the University of Pennsylvania for his generous permission to use the greater part of his Tables of Logarithms as a portion of this book.

Imagining Sex: Pornography and Bodies in Seventeenth-Century England

Sarah Toulalan, "Imagining Sex: Pornography and Bodies in Seventeenth-Century England "
Oxford University Press, USA (October 5, 2007) | ISBN:0199209146 | 300 pages | PDF | 4,5 Mb

Imagining Sex is a study of pornographic writing in seventeenth-century England. It explores a wide variety of written material from the period to argue that, unlike today, pornography was not a discrete genre, nor was it one that was usually subject at this time to suppression. Pornographic writing was a widespread feature of a range of texts, including both popular literature (ballads, news-sheets, court reports, small books, and pamphlets) as well as poetry, drama and more specialised medical books. The book analyses representations of sex, sexuality and eroticism in historical context to explore contemporary thinking about these issues, but also about broader cultural concerns and shifts in attitudes. It questions both modern feminist and psychoanalytical interpretations of pornography, arguing that these approaches are neither appropriate nor helpful to an understanding of seventeenth-century material. Through discussions of sex and reproduction, homosexuality, flagellation, voyeurism, and humour, the book explores the nature of early modern sexual desire and arousal and explores their relationship to contemporary understandings about how the body worked. Imagining Sex presents a radically new interpretation of pornography in this period, arguing that concerns about fertility were at the heart of representations of bodies and sex, so that images of pleasure were entwined with ideas about conception and reproduction. It also shows that these texts legitimized the (sexual) pleasure of the reader by highlighting the pleasure of looking and the incitement to sexual action that it provided.

New Trends in Computer Networks

edited by Tuna Tuğcu, M Ufuk Çağlayan, Fatih Alagöz (Bogazici University, Turkey) & Erol Gelenbe (Imperial College, UK),
"New Trends in Computer Networks"

Imperial College Press | ISBN:1860946119 | 2005 | 383 pages | PDF | 19MB

This book presents a selective collection of papers from the 20th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, held in Istanbul, Turkey. The selected papers span a wide spectrum of topics in computer networks, including internet and multimedia, security and cryptography, wireless networks, parallel and distributed computing, and performance evaluation. These papers represent the results of the latest research of academicians from more than 30 countries.

A Lightweight Passive Replication Protocol for Deterministic Serves (J Ahn)
A Fair Bandwidth Allocation Scheme for Multimedia Handoff Calls in Cellular Networks (M Salamah & I Candan)
Characterizing Voice and Video Traffic Behavior over the Internet (P Calyam & C-G Lee)
A Path Restoration Algorithm Sharing the Resource in GMPLS Network (T-M Han et al.)
More Efficient Java RMI for GPRS Devices (J Kawash et al.)
Cluster-Based Security Mechanism for Sensor Network Communication (I Doh et al.)
Performance Considerations for Elliptic Curve Cryptography in Communications (O O Bozkurt)
A Dynamic Route Optimization to Support Network Mobility by Using HMNR Scheme (M-S Jeong et al.)
Performance Analysis of Reliable Multicast Protocols (C Celik & C F Bazlamacci)
A New Algorithm for Horizontal Handover Management in Wireless Mobile Networks (A Tuysuz & M Yildirim)
and other papers




Programming PHP

Rasmus Lerdorf,«Programming PHP»
O'Reilly | ISBN:1565926102 | CHM | 1,51 Mb | 524 Pages | 2002 Year

PHP is a simple yet powerful open-source scripting language for creating dynamic web content. The millions of web sites powered by PHP are testament to its popularity and ease of use. PHP is used by both programmers, who appreciate its flexibility and speed, and web designers, who value its accessibility and convenience. Programming PHP is an authoritative guide to PHP 4 and is filled with the unique knowledge of the creator of PHP, Rasmus Lerdorf. This book explains PHP language syntax and programming techniques in a clear and concise manner, with numerous examples that illustrate both correct usage and common idioms.

Cisco Internetworking with Windows NT & 2000

Toby J. Velte, Amy Hanson, Anthony T. Velte, "Cisco Internetworking with Windows NT & 2000"
Osborne Publishing | ISBN:0072120835 | 2000 | 726 pages | PDF | 3.8MB

Guide to using Cisco hardware and software in a Microsoft environment With the announced Cisco/Microsoft partnership, just about all NT administrators will need a working knowledge of Cisco products and technologies. You'll find that know-how in Cisco Internetworking with Windows NT & 2000, by Anthony Velte, Toby Velte, and Amy Hanson. After an introduction to Windows 2000, Active Directory, and Cisco's Directory Enabled Network Initiative, you get clear direction for: *Building a Cisco Network with Windows 2000, step-by-step directions for configuring each of Cisco's major hardware devices: routers, switches, and hubs *Managing a Cisco/Windows Networks, how to work with Windows- based Microsoft and Cisco tools to configure and manage a network *Intranet/Extranet Strategies, a probing look at more advanced topics Valuable appendices put at your fingertips a router configuration flow chart...a protocol map for the TCP/IP suite...a reference for certification tracks...and helpful Cisco and Microsoft resources you can tap.




IT Project Management: On Track from Start to Finish

Joseph Phillips,«IT Project Management: On Track from Start to Finish»
McGraw-Hill | ISBN:0072232021 | CHM | 3,95 Mb | 520 Page | 2004 Year

Renowned IT project management expert, Joseph Phillips, again delivers an authoritative, easy-to-understand guide that delves into all CompTIA IT Project+ certification objectives. The “Inside the Exam” sections focus on the necessary topics to pass the new CompTIA exam. Each chapter features an end-of-chapter review, and the CD-ROM includes an IT Project+ practice test, plus templates and worksheets to use when managing a project. The included real-world examples that provide on-the-job insight from practicing project management professionals, and tie discussed theory to practice, make this comprehensive reference a must-have for IT staff.

Cisco Internetworking with Windows NT & 2000

Toby J. Velte, Amy Hanson , Anthony T. Velte, "Cisco Internetworking with Windows NT & 2000 "
Osborne Publishing; 1st edition (January 10, 2000) | ISBN:0072120835 | 726 pages | PDF | 3,7 Mb

Guide to using Cisco hardware and software in a Microsoft environment With the announced Cisco/Microsoft partnership, just about all NT administrators will need a working knowledge of Cisco products and technologies. You'll find that know-how in Cisco Internetworking with Windows NT & 2000, by Anthony Velte, Toby Velte, and Amy Hanson. After an introduction to Windows 2000, Active Directory, and Cisco's Directory Enabled Network Initiative, you get clear direction for: *Building a Cisco Network with Windows 2000, step-by-step directions for configuring each of Cisco's major hardware devices: routers, switches, and hubs *Managing a Cisco/Windows Networks, how to work with Windows- based Microsoft and Cisco tools to configure and manage a network *Intranet/Extranet Strategies, a probing look at more advanced topics Valuable appendices put at your fingertips a router configuration flow chart...a protocol map for the TCP/IP suite...a reference for certification tracks...and helpful Cisco and Microsoft resources you can tap.

The Handbook of Linguistics

Mark Aronoff, Janie Rees-Miller, "The Handbook of Linguistics"
Wiley-Blackwell; New Ed edition (March 3, 2003) | ISBN:1405102527 | 840 pages | PDF | 7,7 Mb

"Linguistics has long been in need of a collection that summarizes the nature of the field and its various aspects - something at once accessible enough to recommend to non-linguists and substantive enough to give real answers to their questions. Aronoff and Rees-Miller have given us just that, and a number of the surveys they have included will be informative even for specialists. This book should do a major service for the relations between linguists and their colleagues, and among various flavors of linguist as well." Stephen R. Anderson, Yale University

"The Blackwell Handbook is a considerable achievement. It addresses general readers, students of linguistics and specialists in linguistic sub-disciplines. It shows both the fluidity of the subject ... and also the large and growing areas of common interest and importance. Students of literature, psychology and philosophy could read many of these chapters with great profit, and it is to be hoped that there will be frequent updatings and further editions as research and understanding advance." Jonathan Katz, Times Literary Supplement

"How do Aronoff and Rees-Miller approach the task of enlightenment (or perhaps even proselytization)? Successfully, in my opinion, through a judicious combination of reports on theoretical and applied domains, of items of general and more specialized interest, of traditional and newly-relevant sub-areas, and through a selection of highly competent experts with excellent comunicative skills... If given the broad exposure it deserves, this volume will clearly satisfy its announced goal of permitting the insertion of linguistics topics into educated public discourse. As a result, the editors and authors are to be congratulated for extending this service to the discipline and to the public in general." Canadian Journal of Linguistics


Biography of a Subject: An Evolution of Development Economics

Biography of a Subject: An Evolution of Development Economics
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA | 2004-10-14 | ISBN 0195170024 | Pages:264 | PDF | 1.1 MB

Book Description:

The study of economic development is one of the newest, most exciting, and most challenging branches of the broader discipline of economics and political economy. Although one could claim that Adam Smith was the first "development economist", the systematic study of the problems and processes of economic development in Africa, Asia, and Latin America has emerged only over the past five decades. This biography of the subject of economic development will focus on the essential ideas in the evolution of development thought and policy over the subject's half-century of life. In concise form and avoiding undue technicality, it highlights the influence of development theory on policymaking and on the mixed record of successes and failures in promoting development efforts. The interpretation of theory, policy, and the lessons of experience are covered in three periods: early development economics of the 1950s-60s; orthodox reaction of the 1970s-80s; and the new development economics of the 1980s-90s. Gerald Meier-one of the world's most prominent leading thinkers in the economics of development - interprets the past treatment of development problems with the present and future in mind. He re-interprets the past two generations of development economists in a contemporary voice. And in a forward-looking fashion, the book's perspectives should make the next generation of development problems-and development economists-more intelligible. The reader is invited to consider whether development economists really know how to put matters right.



MySQL/PHP Database Applications

Brad Bulger,«MySQL/PHP Database Applications by Jay Greenspan»
John Wiley | ISBN:0764535374 | PDF | 3,10 Mb | 648 pages | 2001 Year

More businesses and ambitious individuals are trying to bring applications to the Web but they are bewildered with the array of components and concepts needed to create a data-driven site. The cost, stability and ease of development using the Open Source PHP 4 scripting language and a MySQL database makes this combination the best choice for small and mid-size Web-based applications. PHP4/MySQL Database Applications demonstrates web-application development by presenting seven real, ready-to-use examples starting with a simple guess book and ending with a fully-functional e-commerce site with a shopping cart. Inexperienced users will learn the essentials of working with PHP4 and MySQL so they can start building and customizing database applications for the web right away!

Business And Religion: A Clash of Civilizations?

Business And Religion: A Clash of Civilizations?
Publisher:M&M Scrivener Press | 2005-09-30 | ISBN:0976404109 | Pages:442 | PDF | 3.5 MB

Book Description:

Since the late 1960s American culture has been involved in a struggle to articulate an effective business ethics. The scandals of Enron and WorldCom constitute egregious examples of the absence or deficiency of ethical decision-making in matters of commerce. The purpose of this volume is to inaugurate a dialogue on the common elements of all three Abrahamic traditions - Christianity, Islam, and Judaism - that touch on ethical issues in business. With more than 40 scholars, religious and business leaders joining the debate, this anthology is the beginning of a reconstruction of the understanding of the relationship between religion and commerce.

Main Features: The following questions are addressed:
Is a purely secular business ethics irremediably deficient?
Does a substantive business ethic require a religious and spiritual framework?
To what extent does current business practice reflect a spiritual dimension?
What are the various religious traditions' perspectives on the ethics of commerce?
Can the various religious traditions generate a non-adversarial, consistent, and coherent business ethic?
Is there a role for religion and spirituality in a global and post-modern business world?



The Handbook of Second Language Acquisition

Catherine J. Doughty, Mike Long, "The Handbook of Second Language Acquisition"
Wiley-Blackwell; New Ed edition (June 17, 2005) | ISBN:1405132817 | 888 pages | PDF | 6,9 Mb

"Catherine Doughty and Michael Long have emerged as two of the most knowledgeable, authoritative, and sanest voices in the current contentious debates over truth claims in second language acquisition. Their stewardship of the chapters in this volume – and authorship of two articles plus an overview and an interesting afterword that treats SLA as cognitive science – has produced some very strong critical summaries of several central ideas in these debates. The range and depth of many of the chapters is great and I have learned much from revisiting subjects I thought I knew well, such as transfer, fossilization, and individual variation." Larry Selinker, New York University

"Arguing that SLA research should be viewed as a branch of cognitive science, the editors have served up a feast for, and about, the mind. This Handbook will be read, consulted, and referred to again and again." Diane Larsen-Freeman, University of Michigan

"The Handbook of Second Language Acquisition lives up to its name: it provides a remarkable overview of the field, whose future the editors intelligently advocate to be an integral constituent of cognitive science. A rainbow of topics and theoretical stances promises much stimulation to a wide readership. The volume will no doubt serve as a highly appreciated resource for novice and expert alike." Bonnie D. Schwartz, University of Hawaii

"Highly recommended." Choice

Book Description
The Handbook of Second Language Acquisition presents an integrated discussion of key, and sometimes controversial, issues in second language acquisition research.

Discusses the biological and cognitive underpinnings of SLA, mechanisms, processes, and constraints on SLA, the level of ultimate attainment, research methods, and the status of SLA as a cognitive science.
Includes contributions from twenty-seven of the world's leading scholars.
Provides an invaluable resource for all students and scholars of human cognition, including those in linguistics, psychology, applied linguistics, ESL, foreign languages, and cognitive science.


Foundations of interior Design CD-Rom Version

Foundations of interior Design CD-Rom Version

Foundations of interior Design CD-Rom Version
Publisher: Fairchild Publications | PIC | ISBN:1563672863 │ English | 322 MB | 51MB×6+13MB

Foundations of Interior Design balances the theory of interior design with its practice as an applied art, combining real-life examples with a historical and conceptual look at design theory. It introduces its readers to the professional career path on which they are about to embark, highlighting the experiences of those already in the field. Its author, an interior design practitioner, educator, and writer, approaches the field from a service-industry perspective. With a conversational writing style, Slotkis presents a thorough introduction to design theory and execution, history, FFE, socially responsible design, and business practices. This book provides practical advice about interior design as a career, as well as conceptual information about colour schemes, planning, and the principles of design theory.

Foundations Of Interior Design CD.part1

Foundations Of Interior Design CD.part2

Foundations Of Interior Design CD.part3

Foundations Of Interior Design CD.part4

Foundations Of Interior Design CD.part5

Foundations Of Interior Design CD.part6

Foundations Of Interior Design CD.part7

Google: The Missing Manua

Rael Dornfest,«Google: The Missing Manua»
O'Reilly | ISBN: 0596006136 | PDF | 2,41 Mb | 311 Pages | 2004 Year

Google is the planet's most popular program for finding stuff on the Web. Millions of people a day use it to search for everything from apple pie recipes to high school sweethearts to Zimbabwean bus schedules--but it has no manual. And who needs help for such an easy to use program? As it turns out, Google has many hidden tricks and tools that can turn your simple searching into powerful--and successful--discoveries. But you have to know where to look.

Simpler Syntax

Peter W. Culicover, Ray Jackendoff, "Simpler Syntax"
Oxford University Press, USA (August 23, 2005) | ISBN:0199271089 | 608 pages | PDF | 9,3 Mb


"This book is a major step forward for linguistics. Its systematic, accessible style of analysis heralds a renaissance in syntax, not just for specialists but for everyone."--Mark Liberman, University of Pennsylvania
"Two master syntacticians show how far current syntactic theory has lost touch with reality--and how to reconnect. A brilliant book, inspiring new optimism about the field."--Geoffrey K. Pullum, University of California, Santa Cruz

Book Description
This groundbreaking book offers a new and compelling perspective on the structure of human language. The fundamental issue that it addresses is the proper balance between syntax and semantics, between structure and derivation, and between rule systems and lexicon. It argues that the balance
struck by mainstream generative grammar is wrong. It puts forward a new basis for syntactic theory, drawing on a wide range of frameworks, and charts new directions for research. Simpler Syntax is addressed to linguists of all persuasions. It will also be of central interest to those concerned with
language in psychology, human biology, evolution, computational science, and artificial intelligence.

Soldering and Brazing (Workship Practice, No 9)

Tubal Cain, "Soldering and Brazing (Workship Practice, No 9)"
Trans-Atlantic Publications | ISBN:0852428456 | 1985 | 136 pages | PDF | 8.3MB




Boethius (Great Medieval Thinkers)

John Marenbon, "Boethius (Great Medieval Thinkers)"
Oxford University Press, USA | 2003-01-14 | ISBN:0195134079 | 272 pages | PDF | 3,2 Mb

This book offers a brief, accessible introduction to the thought of Boethius. After a survey of Boethius's life and work, Marenbon explicates his theological method, and devotes separate chapters to his arguments about good and evil, fortune, fate and free will, and the problem of divine foreknowledge. Marenbon also traces Boethius's influence on the work of such thinkers as Aquinas and Duns Scotus.

ANSYS Workbench Training

ANSYS Workbench Training | 270 MB

Finite Element Analysis Courses

ANSYS Workbench finite element analysis training.

Contains static, dynamic, impact and everything inbetween.

Directory Listing

Anatomy of Neuropsychiatry:The New Anatomy of the Basal Forebrain and its Implications for Neuropsychiatric Illness

Anatomy of Neuropsychiatry:
The New Anatomy of the Basal Forebrain and its Implications for Neuropsychiatric Illness

Publisher:Academic Press | 2007-11-16 | ISBN:0123742390 | Pages:200 | PDF | 2.6 MB

Book Description:

This book presents the anatomical systems that take part in the scientific and clinical study of emotional functions and neuropsychiatric disorders. It discusses the limbic system (the cortical and subcortical structures in the human brain involved in emotion, motivation, and emotional association with memory) at length and how this is no longer a useful guide to the study of psychiatric disorders. The book provides an understanding of brain anatomy, with an emphasis on the new anatomical framework which has emerged during the last quarter century. The goal is to provide the reader will develop an understanding of the gross anatomical organisation of the human forebrain.



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Stochastic Finance An Introduction in Discrete Time

Hans Follmer, Alexander Schied, "Stochastic Finance An Introduction in Discrete Time"
Walter de Gruyter Inc | 2002-08-01 | ISBN: 3110171198 | 400 pages | Djvu | 3,1 Mb

This book is an introduction to financial mathematics for mathematicians. It is intended both for graduate students with a certain background in probability theory as well as for professional mathematicians in industry and academia. In contrast to many textbooks on mathematical finance, only discrete-time stochastic models are considered. This setting has the advantage that the text can concentrate from the beginning on typical problems which are suggested by financial applications. Moreover, certain principles, such as the general incompleteness of realistic market models, become thus more transparent and visible. On the other hand, all models are based on general probability spaces, and so the text captures the interplay between probability theory and functional analysis which is typical for modern mathematical finance.

The first part of the book contains a study of financial investments in a static one-period market model. Here, an investor faces intrinsic risk and uncertainty, which cannot be hedged away. The tools presented to deal with this situation range from the classical theory of expected utility until the more recent development of measures of risk.

In the second part of the book, the idea of dynamic hedging and arbitrage-free pricing of contingent claims is developed in a multi-period framework. Such market models are typically incomplete, and particular focus is given to

methods combining the dynamic hedging of a risky position with the tools of assessing risk and uncertainty as presented in part.

Contents: Mathematical finance in one period: Arbitrage theory. Expected utility. Optimal investments. Measures of risk Dynamic Arbitrage Theory: Dynamic hedging of contingent claims. American contingent claims. Optional decomposition and super-hedging. Efficient hedging in incomplete markets. Minimizing the hedging error. Hedging under constraints

Mirror -> Rapidshare

Metric Spaces

Mícheál Ó Searcóid, "Metric Spaces"
Springer; 1 edition (August 10, 2006) | ISBN: 1846283698 | 304 pages | PDF | 1,7 Mb

The abstract concepts of metric spaces are often perceived as difficult. This book offers a unique approach to the subject which gives readers the advantage of a new perspective on ideas familiar from the analysis of a real line. Rather than passing quickly from the definition of a metric to the more abstract concepts of convergence and continuity, the author takes the concrete notion of distance as far as possible, illustrating the text with examples and naturally arising questions. Attention to detail at this stage is designed to prepare the reader to understand the more abstract ideas with relative ease.

The book goes on to provide a thorough exposition of all the standard necessary results of the theory and, in addition, includes selected topics not normally found in introductory books, such as: the Tietze Extension Theorem; the Hausdorff metric and its completeness; and the existence of curves of minimum length. Other features include:
end-of-chapter summaries and numerous exercises to reinforce what has been learnt;
extensive cross-referencing to help the reader follow arguments;
a Cumulative Reference Chart, showing the dependencies throughout the book on a section-by-section basis as an aid to course design.

The book is designed for third- and fourth-year undergraduates and beginning graduates. Readers should have some practical knowledge of differential and integral calculus and have completed a first course in real analysis. With its many examples, careful illustrations, and full solutions to selected exercises, this book provides a gentle introduction that is ideal for self-study and an excellent preparation for applications.

Mirror -> FileFactory

GABA and the Basal Ganglia

GABA and the Basal Ganglia (US $225)
Stationary Office | Pages: 360 | 2007-05-28 | ISBN: 0444521844 | 10 MB

Over the past 25 years the amount of data pertaining to the GABAergic function in the basal ganglia has increased dramatically. GABA and the Basal Ganglia - From Molecules to Systems is a comprehensive review of the current state-of-the-art of knowledge about the neuroanatomy, neuropharmacology and neurophysiology of the basal ganglia, focusing on its GABAergic microcircuitry. It serves as a complete reference to the body of knowledge about the basal ganglia, its constituent neurons, and their interconnections. This volume is designed to serve as a convenient all-in-one review and reference for experienced basal ganglia researchers as well as an introduction to the functional organization of the basal ganglia and its GABAergic circuitry for students and researchers new to the field.

* Reviews the anatomy, physiology and pharmacology of the basal ganglia itself in addition to focusing on the GABAergic circuitry of the basal ganglia
* Authors of each chapter leading internationally acclaimed experts in basal ganglia research

