- Publisher: Springer
- Number Of Pages: 296
- Publication Date: 2006-05-05
- Sales Rank: 675384
- ISBN / ASIN: 3540301461
- EAN: 9783540301462
- Binding: Paperback
- Manufacturer: Springer
- Studio: Springer
- Book Description:
"This book will become ragged with use....A labour of love and listing. Amazing Numbers is better than googling, because it has a sensible index and you don't have to wade through a whole load of irrelevance to get what you want. It's also logically divided into such sections as 'Size', 'Blood' and 'Germination', and, just in case you ever want to check, all the facts are referenced. A warning though -- this addictive book will keep you absorbing odd little facts: dimensions of a bread mould's mitochondria anyone?"
-- BBC Wildlife
With hundreds of tables and over 10,000 entries anyone who works or studies in the life sciences or those with a curious mind will find exact answers to many questions requiring comparative data. This book is a clearly laid out presentation of the plain facts of life from all areas of biology. Biology comes alive through the facts found in this comprehensive reference work.
Warning: Anybody who starts to browse through this book will not easily stop reading!
From the reviews of the previous versions:
"A must, not only for everyone interested in biology but also for all parents .. `Hey Mom, how long does an XX live?´, or as supplementary material for general education .." Biotec
"For many years the book .. belongs to the indispensable tools of university teachers and lecturers in the biosciences. But also biology teachers will find stimulating ideas for their lessons .." Annals of Anatomy
"Facts and figures that not only inform but also entertain .." Focus
pass: giga
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