- Publisher: Springer
- Number Of Pages: 303
- Publication Date: 2006-03
- Sales Rank: 4563625
- ISBN / ASIN: 1402041365
- EAN: 9781402041365
- Binding: Hardcover
- Manufacturer: Springer
- Studio: Springer
- Book Description:
This book contains a collection of papers presented at the 1st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO). The purpose of ICINCO is to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested in the application of informatics to Control, Automation and Robotics. The research papers focus on real world applications, covering three main themes: Intelligent Control Systems, Optimization, Robotics and Automation, Signal Processing, Systems Modeling and Control. Informatics applications are pervasive in many areas of Control, Automation and Robotics. This book will be of interest to professionals working in the areas of control and robotics, especially to those who need to maintain knowledge about current trends in development methods and applications.
pass: tFSORCHCO.rar
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