- Publisher: Cambridge University Press
- Number Of Pages: 254
- Publication Date: 2004-06-14
- Sales Rank: 290343
- ISBN / ASIN: 0521835631
- EAN: 9780521835633
- Binding: Hardcover
- Manufacturer: Cambridge University Press
- Studio: Cambridge University Press
- Book Description:
The purpose of this book is to provide a physical understanding of photons and their properties and applications. Special emphasis is given in the text to photon pairs produced in spontaneous parametric, down-conversion, which exhibit intrinsically quantum mechanical correlations, known as entanglement, and which extend over manifestly macroscopic distances. Such photon pairs are well suited to the physical realization of Einstein-Rosen-Podolsky type experiments, and also make possible such exciting techniques as quantum cryptography and teleportation.
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