- Publisher: Tab Books
- Number Of Pages: 272
- Publication Date: 2000-05-18
- Sales Rank: 487595
- ISBN / ASIN: 0071354794
- EAN: 9780071354790
- Binding: Paperback
- Manufacturer: Tab Books
- Studio: Tab Books
- Book Description:
Beginner's guide to the popular PIC Microcontroller.
Get all the advantages of the Basic Stamp, at one quarterthe cost and one hundred times the speed with Microchips Company's 8-bit PIC computer-on-a-chip.
The no assembly required PIC Microcontroller Project Book, by popular TAB author John Iovine, shows you how to program the PIC using Microchip's free MPLAB compiler and the BASIC programming language.
Learn about the two most popular PIC chips, exploring architecture, registers, CPU, RISC, RAM, and ROM.
This project-oriented guide gives you twelve complete projects, including: using transistors to control DC and ACmotors and AC appliances...servo motors...liquid crystaldisplay (LCD) output...reading resistive sensors with robotics applications...frequency generator, including tone generations, DTMF phone number logger and distinct ring detector and router...home automation using X-10 communications...digital oscilloscope...simulations of fuzzy logic and neural networks...and many other applications.
-- Book Review Poptronics, October, 2000Bound to spur the imagination and inspire plans for using PICs in new products and projects, this book answers the question: What can you do with PIC microcontrollers? Practically anything - from creating "photovore" robots that hunt light for their solar cells to making toasters announce "Your toast is ready!"
These easy-to-use, low-cost, computers-in-a-chip let designers and hobbyists add intelligence and responsiveness to any electronic product or project - even faster than comparable Basic Stamps. Hands-on directions are supplied for putting Microchip's RISC-based chips - with up to 8k of memory - to work.
Starting with simple projects and experiments, this book progresses gradually into sophisticated programming techniques. The author John Iovine, our "Amazing Science" columnist, guides enthusiasts into such projects as synthesizing human speech, controlling DC and stepper motors, adding sensing abilities to robots, and building in decision-making neural and "fuzzy logic" functions.
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