Low-Power Digital VLSI Design: Circuits and Systems
By Abdellatif Bellaouar, Mohamed Elmasry,
* Publisher: Springer
* Number Of Pages: 552
* Publication Date: 1995-06-30
* Sales Rank: 2026054
* ISBN / ASIN: 0792395875
* EAN: 9780792395874
* Binding: Hardcover
* Manufacturer: Springer
* Studio: Springer
Book Description:
Low-Power Digital VLSI Design: Circuits and Systems addresses both process technologies and device modeling. Power dissipation in CMOS circuits, several practical circuit examples, and low-power techniques are discussed. Low-voltage issues for digital CMOS and BiCMOS circuits are emphasized. The book also provides an extensive study of advanced CMOS subsystem design. A low-power design methodology is presented with various power minimization techniques at the circuit, logic, architecture and algorithm levels.
- Low-voltage CMOS device modeling, technology files, design rules
- Switching activity concept, low-power guidelines to engineering practice
- Pass-transistor logic families
- Power dissipation of I/O circuits
- Multi- and low-VT CMOS logic, static power reduction circuit techniques
- State of the art design of low-voltage BiCMOS and CMOS circuits
- Low-power techniques in CMOS SRAMS and DRAMS
- Low-power on-chip voltage down converter design
- Numerous advanced CMOS subsystems (e.g. adders, multipliers, data path, memories, regular structures, phase-locked loops) with several design options trading power, delay and area
- Low-power design methodology, power estimation techniques
- Power reduction techniques at the logic, architecture and algorithm levels
- More than 190 circuits explained at the transistor level.
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