Abstract Harmonic Analysis of Continuous Wavelet Transforms (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
By Hartmut Führ
* Publisher: Springer
* Number Of Pages: 193
* Publication Date: 2005-04-06
* Sales Rank: 2355793
* ISBN / ASIN: 3540242597
* EAN: 9783540242598
* Binding: Paperback
* Manufacturer: Springer
* Studio: Springer
Book Description:
This volume contains a systematic discussion of wavelet-type inversion formulae based on group representations, and their close connection to the Plancherel formula for locally compact groups. The connection is demonstrated by the discussion of a toy example, and then employed for two purposes: Mathematically, it serves as a powerful tool, yielding existence results and criteria for inversion formulae which generalize many of the known results. Moreover, the connection provides the starting point for a – reasonably self-contained – exposition of Plancherel theory. Therefore, the volume can also be read as a problem-driven introduction to the Plancherel formula.
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