- Publisher: IGI Global
- Number Of Pages: 1733
- Publication Date: 2006-07-25
- Sales Rank: 520688
- ISBN / ASIN: 1591407893
- EAN: 9781591407898
- Binding: Hardcover
- Manufacturer: IGI Global
- Studio: IGI Global
- Product Description:
The Encyclopedia of Digital Government offers the most comprehensive coverage of the issues, concepts, trends, and technologies of digital government (or electronic government). The challenges and future prospects faced by governments at different institutional levels and in different parts of the world are described in explicit detail in this commanding encyclopedia. With over 250 detailed articles, this three-volume set provides a broad basis for understanding the issues, theories, and applications faced by public administrations and public organizations as they strive for more effective government through the use of emerging technologies. This comprehensive, research-based publication is an essential reference tool for academic, public, and private libraries.
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