- Publisher: Wiley
- Number Of Pages: 400
- Publication Date: 2001-07-01
- Sales Rank: 2585283
- ISBN / ASIN: 1860582982
- EAN: 9781860582981
- Binding: Hardcover
- Manufacturer: Wiley
- Studio: Wiley
- Book Description:
The Engineers’ Guide to Pressure Equipment incorporates both the technical and administrative aspects of vessel manufacture and use, introducing the basic principles of pressure equipment design, manufacture, quality assurance/inspection and operation during its
working life. Engineering data from a wide range of sources is included. The author guides the reader through the most commonly used current and recent pressure vessel codes and standards.The Engineers’ Guide to Pressure Equipment is an invaluable reference for engineers, technicians and students with activities in the pressure equipment business.
COMPLETE CONTENTS: - Websites: Quick reference
- Pressure equipment types and components
- Basic design
- Applications of pressure vessel codes
- Manufacture, QA, inspection and testing
- Flanges, nozzles, valves and fittings
- Boilers and HRSGs
- Materials of construction
- Welding and NDT
- Failure
- Pressure Equipment
- Directives and legislation
- In-service inspection
- References and Information Sources.
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